Friday, April 10, 2015

Time to get back at it.

We came home Wednesday evening to find lights blazing!  It may not seem like much but after 3 1/2 weeks of one outlet and no lights, this is a huge step!  We walked around for a couple of hours turning lights on and off just because we could.  They came back out Thursday to finish hooking up the shed and well house.  All of the electrical is done now so back to the rest of the renovation as soon as we can.

We haven't taken any pictures of the finished electrical with the Nikon yet but will try to get that done tonight or tomorrow after we do a little cleaning up.  Those poor men were up and down and under and through the house pulling wires so there is a lot of dust.  They did a pretty good job cleaning up after themselves but it still needs a more thorough cleaning now that they are done.

We tried out some LED bulbs in one of the track lights in the living room.  The color was nice, but the way they were made didn't illuminate the globes so back to the halogens we went.  I guess we will have to get some dimmer switches so we can turn those down until we can find some LED's that will work for us.  We haven't taken any pictures yet with the Nikon but will try to get that done tonight or tomorrow after we do a little cleaning up. 

Until we can get some good pictures of the lighting, here is a little teaser.  This is the corner of the kitchen by the back door that was always dark.

Here is the light placement.

And the view through the kitchen.

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