Saturday, February 28, 2015

It begins.

We got a call yesterday morning to set up an appointment to sign our part of the closing papers with the understanding we may still have a couple more days before everything was in order and all parties had signed.  But when we walked in the office to sign we were greeted with a "guess who stopped in and signed this afternoon!"  So all parties have signed, we have the keys and the house is ours!  Time to get started on this Renovation.  Stay Tuned.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Our Journey Begins Today or Tomorrow... Hopefully.

Here she is.  The home my Great Aunt and Uncle built in the early 60's.  It is an 1852 sq. ft. 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath ranch sitting on 5 1/2 acres. 

I grew up right across the road from this house and spent a lot of time during my childhood hanging out with my cousins on this property.  Later, after Deb moved to Arkadelphia for college, she became friends with my cousins and spent some time around here too.

We are expecting to close either today or tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that the weather doesn't delay us.